"Hands that Heal" exhibition to feature three of my pieces
The upcoming "Hands that Heal" exhibition at the InterUrban ArtHouse in Overland Park, Kan., will feature three pieces from my Bra Therapy Project collection.
The exhibition will showcase artwork based on personal journeys in illness and self-care, and in caregiving and treatment. Several artists are expected to take part in the exhibition.
My pieces are part of a larger collection I created in 2018 that explores my emotions and attitudes related to treatment of and recovery from breast cancer. Featured pieces include "Flat As a Board" (fiber/assemblage), "Breast Cancer Me: A Self Portrait" (fiber/weaving), and "The Twins" (fiber/mixed media/assemblage).
The exhibition starts Jan. 18, 2019, with a reception from 5 to 8 p.m. The exhibition runs through Feb. 15, ending with a second reception from 5 to 8 p.m. The InterUrban ArtHouse is located at 8001 Newton St. in Overland Park, Kan.